Search Results - prostate+cancer

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“Sweet-P”: Molecule for Targeting Human Glucocorticoid Receptor Beta in Asthma and Cancer
Project ID: D2016-49Background:Despite many breakthrough innovations occurring in the $14 billion Asthma market, numerous people are still affected by fatal asthma, and the United States contains the largest population affected by severe asthma. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the most effective and commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory agents in treating...
Novel Peptides: Effective Therapeutics for Late Stage Prostate and Other EZH2-Dependent Cancers
Project ID: D2009-27Background: Prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths among men, largely depends upon androgens for its development and progression. The importance of the Androgen Receptor in the development of prostate cancer is demonstrated by the success of anti-androgen therapy at the early stages of prostate cancer. Hormone...