Search Results - donald+ronning

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Novel Isoselenazolone Derivatives Show Effectiveness Against Multiple Human Disease-causing Pathogens
Project ID: D2015-17Invention Description:Neurodegenerative, inflammatory and other physiological diseases are linked to the activity of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Glutathione peroxidase is a Selenium-based enzyme that has been shown to protect biomembranes and other cellular components from damage caused by ROS, by scavenging hydrogen peroxide...
E. Coli plasmid (pET32) encoding MTA/SAH nucleosidase
Project ID: D2011-29 Gene: ‘pfs’ gene from H. pylori (strain J99) genomic DNA Enzyme encoded: 5′-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase Plasmid: pET32 Description: The bacterial enzyme 5'-methylthioadenosine/S-adenosylhomocysteine nucleosidase (MTAN) plays a central role in three essential metabolic pathways...
M. Tuberculosis Drug Molecules Screening Assay
Project ID: D2011-63Novelty: The disclosed invention is a simple and efficient high-throughput assay to screen small molecule drug and drug-like compounds for their effectiveness against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (M. tb) and other bacterium.Value Proposition:M. tb is a form of tuberculosis that is resistant to two or more of the primary drugs (e.g.,...