Search Results - Oncology
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Advancement in Platinum Based Cancer Therapeutics
Project ID: D2013-02 Novelty: Small drug like molecules that inhibits DNA repair factors for cisplatin (and other platinum based drugs) resistance towards solid tumors, thereby increasing cisplatin cytotoxicity and efficacy. Value proposition: One of the limitations of chemotherapy in ovarian cancer is the innate/acquired drug resistance in cancer...
Survivin Inhibitors for Targeted Cancer Treatment
Project ID: TECH-2024-07 Background Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers and the second-most lethal cancer among men in the United States. While the response to standard androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is often dramatic, most prostate cancer patients develop resistance to ADT, leading to castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC)....
Smart Exosomes Enable Active Pdac Targeting and Evading Mononuclear Phagocycotic System
Project ID: D2021-13 Background Patients affected by pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), an aggressive type of cancer, have a 5-year survival rate of 9%, the lowest of any cancer in the US. Therapies for pancreatic cancer are largely hindered by the lack of an effective delivery system. Exosomes are emerging as promising nanocarriers for genes...
Metabolically stable HDAC inhibitors with trifluoromethylpyruvamide as metal-binding group
Project ID: TECH-2023-25 Background Histone Deacetylases (HDACs) have been studied extensively for their role in regulating expression of genes and proteins involved in cancer cell proliferation and migration. The Zinc Binding Group (ZBG) is an essential component of the HDAC inhibitor pharmacophore. It binds to the zinc ion in the enzyme active...
Antiproliferative necroptosis inducers or autophagy inhibitors or a combination thereof
Background Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women worldwide, and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for approximately 15-20% of these cancers. TNBC tumors do not express three key therapeutically relevant cell-surface receptors: estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and overexpression of...
Novel Ferroptosis Inducers To Treat Cancer
Project ID: D2022-15 Background ferroptosis is a non-apoptotic cell death mechanism impelled by unrestrained accumulation of iron-dependent cellular reactive oxygen (ROS) species leading to membrane lipid peroxidation resulting from intra-cellular antioxidant depletion. Clinical application of ferroptosis agents/drugs has been elusive due to off-target...
Ferroptosis-HDAC Inhibitor Hybrids for treating cancer
Project ID: D2022-16 Background Many cancer treatments target cells and induce apoptosis, a cell death mechanism. Due to genetic instability, tumors become more heterogeneous leading to cells that avert molecular signatures that are targeted by the cancer drugs. Drug resistance remains a major impediment to the success of a cancer treatment. Combinatorial...
Compounds for non-lethal micropinocytosis and exosome production
Project ID: D2017-25 Background Exosomes are vesicles in the range of 30 to 120nm, which are released from mammalian cells when multi-vesicular endosomes fuse with the plasma membrane. In recent times, exosomes have been implicated in cancer. Mounting evidence suggests that exosomes play an important role in mediating intercellular communication...
Compounds for disrupting microtubule networks and mitosis in brain cancer
Project ID: D2014-42 Background Primary brain tumors and secondary intracranial tumors from metastatic spread of other cancers (e.g., melanoma, lung carcinoma) have been inaccessible to therapy with microtubule-targeted agents (vincristine, vinblastine, paclitaxel) because the latter do not readily cross the blood-brain barrier. Invention...
Methods of Treating Cancer and Ischemia Diseases by Inhibition and Intervention of ATR Prolyl Isomerization
Project ID: D2021-42 Background Cell death and immortality are closely associated with cancer and cancer therapeutics, as oncogenesis requires a compromise of apoptosis while most cancer therapies depend on apoptopsis. Precise regulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) is essential for cellular and organ homeostasis. Hyperactive apoptosis is...